LEED Silver

The new Central Y is a LEED Silver Certified recreation center in Spokane, Washington. It's unique among YMCA's because it shares its facility with the YWCA to more effectively serve their members. The YMCA includes an aquatic center, teen and family centers, fitness area, and three court gymnasium. The YWCA has a separate entrance and offers child care facilities, domestic violence victim services, job readiness center, and community meeting spaces.

The Central Y has many green features that contributed to LEED Certification including:

  • The project is located in a dense area of the city of Spokane, linked to transit and to all City services.  The existing building was deconstructed and recycled.  The design allows some of the existing site construction to remain or to be relocated or re-used.
  • The landscape design and irrigation system efficiency results in a 54.6% water savings over the baseline.
  • An energy model was prepared during design to assist with decisions such as thermal envelope options and mechanical system options.  This is the first time the YWCA or YMCA have used energy modeling on one of their projects.
  • The project design saves 24.1% in annual energy cost compared to the ASHRAE 90.1-2004 baseline.
  • Efficient plumbing fixtures helped the project achieve a 42.4% water savings over the baseline case.
  • Indoor air quality is protected by providing ventilation rates that exceed ASHRAE 62-2004, providing CO2 monitoring and specifying low emission interior materials for paints, coatings, sealants, adhesives, carpets and composite wood products.



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Email: info@design-balance.com
